Can Honey Help With Coughs?

Can Honey Help With Coughs?

Can Honey Help With Coughs - Yes 

Coughs due to respiratory infections such as colds are common this time of year. An effective treatment for a disruptive cough might be sitting in your kitchen pantry.

Dr. Angela Mattke, a pediatrician with Mayo Clinic Children's Center, says honey can help soothe coughs for adults and children. But, she says, never give honey to a child under 1.

A spoonful of sugar might help the medicine go down, but the medicine is honey, in this case.

"Honey is safe for anyone ages 1 and above. And it's been shown to be effective and safe for both children and adults," says Dr. Mattke.

Adding honey to warm water or tea, or just a spoonful of honey itself can help with coughs.

"It has been shown to be more effective than over-the-counter cough medications," she says.

Honey helps by soothing the throat and coating cough receptors. Here are her recommendations for children over age 1.

"You can start with half a teaspoon to a teaspoon, some type of warm liquid. As they get older and they're able to more easily swallow the honey, you can just give it to them directly on a teaspoon," Dr. Mattke says.

She recommends using a teaspoon every two hours. And this dosage applies equally to adults.

Dr. Angela Mattke

Photo: Dr. Angela Mattke

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